Health & Wellness Centre
Health & Wellness Centre
The Health & Wellness Centre operates under the authority of Long Point First Nation through a health plan adopted by Council. Funding agreements are the source of health delivery services for the community of Winneway. Most of these funding arrangements are made between the Council of LPFN and Health Canada, First Nation of Quebec Labrador Health and Social Services Commission and the province of Quebec. Also, specific projects by these organizations an important source of funding in the delivery of health services for the community. Various public organizations (hospitals, treatment centres, shelters…), mainly in Quebec and Ontario, offers freely the much necessary health services to the community’s specific health needs and/or requests.
Vision Statement of Health & Wellness Centre
To nurture holistic health by a well-being balance lifestyle while installing pride into Long Point First Nation’s children, families and community that is comprehensive, competent and guided using Anishnabeg values and traditions.
Mission Statement of Health & Wellness Centre
To improve the physical and mental health of Long Point community members through the effective administration of the Community Health Programs adapted to the community's needs.
Health Director
The Health & Wellness Centre operates under the administration of LPFN. The Health Director’s main duties are to supervise staff and oversee the management of health services offered through Long Point First Nation’s Health agreements. Jerry Polson has been the Health Director for the past three years, starting in November 2013. His working management experience with Long Point First Nation has begun in 1974. Besides health, he has work over the years in economic and social development, education and been involved political.
Nursing Services
Nursing services at the Health and Wellness Centre is presently being administered by Health Canada. These services are given by four full time nurses on a rotation base. Their nursing services are 24 hours / day, 7 days / week and 365 days / year. Presently, there are two nurses that are members of Long Point First Nation. The Health & Wellness Centre also has one part-time nurse for home care services for one day every week.
Community Health Representative
The Community Health Representative role is prevention. It involves working on community prevention programs such as chronic and communicable disease, injury prevention, diabetes & mental health. The CHR works with all age groups in the community. Judith Pichette is currently Interim Community Health Representative. She has been working as receptionist and support services for nurses for 16 years.
Medical Transportation
Medical Transportation is a contribution agreement between Health Canada’s First Nation and Inuit Health Branch and Long Point First Nation. The Health & Wellness Centre has the responsibility for the administration of these services for LPFN’s eligible clients under a National and First Nation Framework Policies. Colette Pichette is presently the medical transportation coordinator. She has been in this position from the very beginning which is now over 17 years. Colette Pichette has also work as receptionist for 8 years previously.
Home and Community Care
The Home and Community Care program offers recipients essential and support services to retain and enhance independence, self-reliance and well-being through family and community resources. Home and Community Care must do for people the things that they cannot do for themselves in order to preserve self-worth. Presently Nancy Gaudet is the Home & Community Care provider. She has been in her position for the last 5 years.
National Native Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program
The National Native Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program offers prevention information as well as referrals for clients who desires to have a healthy lifestyle.
Solvent Abuse, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health are programs that are a part of the services provided in the community. The NNADAP intervention coordinator adheres to measures according to the needs of the community, needs of clients and the availability of various healing and treatment providers. Presently, Martina Mathias is the Interim NNADAP Intervention Coordinator. She has been with the Health & Wellness Centre for about 12 years as Community Health Representative.
Youth Health
The Youth Health programs offered at the Health & Wellness Centre are Brighter Futures, Pre-Natal Nutrition, Maternal & Child Health and Children Oral Health Initiative. Each of the programs has guidelines targeted to the various youth cliental. Jessica Polson is presently the Youth Health Coordinator with over 5 years of experience.